The theme for this year’s Career Mastered Awards in Detroit was “nevertheless she persisted.” Those words rolled off the lips of one Senator Mitch McConnell after he shut Senator Elizabeth Warren down – as she tried to read a letter from Mrs. Coretta S. King registering her disapproval of the appointment of Jefferson Sessions to the Federal District Court. Sessions’ history in Alabama is not one to be proud of by my standards. I’m being kind.
I used that phrase in my acceptance remarks as emblematic of my entire career and certainly most women would agree that those words describe their career journeys well. I focused in on my writing career which I began trying to make happen as far back as “Room 222.” I kept at it and eventually broke through the many walls and doors standing in my way.
The event highlighted so many accomplished women, so many carrying on with the goal of fulfilling their dreams in business, in medicine, in the creative arts. Women are on the move, and I am honored to be counted amongst them. Thank you to Dr. Lisa Wicker, the organizer, the brains and energy behind the Career Mastered Awards.
– DN